What color is rentoid?


The logo is blue and white, but the concept is green.

We often hear about the carbon output of companies and products. With renting, we can use without consuming resources. So every time we rent something on rentoid we’re making a green choice.


The carbon output, or resources consumed on using an existing product is close to zero. Sure there’s some electricity being used on the net or maybe you have to drive to pick up the item… but it’s always a better environmental option than buying.

Imagine if everyone was on rentoid……

We would be able to find what we’re after in the local neighbourhood – then we could walk to pick it up and get some exercise at the same time!

2 Responses to “What color is rentoid?”

  1. Dr Dre Says:

    And of course, renting stuff when needed rather than storing it the far-too- common “junk room” means not having to live in as big an abode. Thus reduces the urban sprawl than necessitates excessive car travel etc…

  2. Storage problems & rentoid « Rentoid Says:

    […] on ‘What color is rentoid’ correctly points out that rentoid might be a way to get our houses back – renting stuff when […]

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